Humble Beginnings ...
As a part of a family of tradesman and craftsman, an influence was always present to use one's hands and heart to produce well crafted treasures, reflecting timeless workmanship. My great, great grandfather Jean Blais raised his family near Sainte-Henedin, Quebec, Canada. He owned and operated 2 saw mills and a grist mill. He also built the family home out of many large timbers he had harvested. It was said around town that "the home was built as strong as a battleship with heavy beams across the ceiling." His son, my great grandfather Joseph Blais was born in 1846 in the town of Saint-Marquerite, Quebec. He later immigrated to Minnesota at age 19. In time he married, eventually moving with his family to Northwest Wisconsin, then permanently abiding there all of their remaining days. One of the family children was my grandfather Zeb Blais. In the immigration process the family name was mistakenly recorded as Blair, and grandpa Zeb and his other siblings kept the Blair name.
Grandpa Zeb was a tradesman, working as a shipbuilder and logger, while also maintaining a family farm. When seasonally working as a shipbuilder in the early 1900's he would travel by train to the San Francisco area and work crafting wooden boats. Old black and white photos of Grandpa and the crew clearly display how rugged those men were in those days. I still have Grandpa's hand forged steel framing square, and it has remained precisely accurate to this day. My grandmother Esther's brothers were each builders of finely crafted quality homes and heirloom furniture, leaving behind special lasting works for generations to come. The artistry and love of 'the calling in their lives' made a strong and lasting impression on me, and that continues to live on yet today.
Today our company continues to employ the use of strong architectural elements and design in large scale log and timber framed projects, while adding a full complement of quality building materials for multiple building styles, diversified construction services, and essentially countless other options. As the company president, my own personal experience reflects over 40 years of construction, including log and timbered home projects beginning in the 1970's. And the reward of building "from the heart" remains a pure pleasure, even as it first was, several decades ago. I am blessed to have family members as an integral part of our company structure.
We continue to strive to adhere to the absolute highest standards possible. For us, success is always measured in delivering the project correctly on time and on budget, while earning and cherishing the friendship and the respect of our clients for a lifetime to come.
In appreciation,
Randall Gaspar
Media Coverage ...
White Eagle's designs, homes, and projects have been featured in the following media events and publications:
Louisville's Finest Homes television show.
Louisville's Finest Homes magazine.
The Louisville Courier Journal Featured Homes section.
The Log Home Guide magazine.
The Log Home Guide: One project of special note was considerable work at the Log Home Guide Information Center in Cosby, Tennessee, for Doris and Alan Muir, during the 1980's. The Muir's magazine, The Log Home Guide, was the first major global production of a magazine specific to the log home and the timber frame home industry. This publication was dedicated to the improvement and continual growth of the industry,while helping people world wide to be better educated in the multiple benefits of log home living.
Log Home Living magazine, including: The Schaefer Residence, a classic dovetailed log home project in rural Kentucky. The Schaefer Residence was professionally photographed and featured in the September 2007 issue of Log Home Living.
Log Home Living magazine: The Staten Residence, a beautiful custom "D" style log home built in Kentucky.